小学英语作文:Good ways to deal with teenag

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小学英语作文:Good ways to deal with teenage problems

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小学英语作文:Good ways to deal with teenage problems

小学英语作文:Good ways to deal with teenage problems1

  As a teenager, we have many problems which make us feel worried. Of course, different problems have different ways to deal with. I am going to tell you how to face teenage problems.

  I am a Grade 9 student, so I know many students of our age have a lot of homework every day. This leads to nearly no spare time for our hobbies. Then, why do not us make a plan according to the time we have. May be you find we do not have much spare time to recite books, you can do it after-class, on the school bus to school, or before bedtime. I think these are really good to deal with a lot of homework.

  Second, we can not have enough time for sleep. This makes us unhappy and angry. But we still can find time to rest. Many students choose to rest at noon to attain mental peace. In fact, teenagers need eight hours to sleep, or we they feel headache.

  Finally, we often do not have enough money to buy what we want. Because parents refuse to give us too much money to buy any useless things. Why not think twice about it. If you really want to buy, you can buy according to the price.

  In my opinion, these ways are of some help to me.

小学英语作文:Good ways to deal with teenage problems2

  I know all the teenagers have different teenage problems. They can be divided into 3 groups---teenage stress problems, teenage family problems and teenage communication problems.

  About teenage stress problems, I believe all the teenagers of my age have this problem because we have lots of homework and many subjects. We hardly have any time for our hobbies, and we will stay up late from time to time.

  If you have this problem, you should listen carefully in class so that you can work out the problems quickly. It can help you to save time. Then you can do anything you like.

  Sometimes you may have conflicts with your parents, that will lead to teenage family problems. It looks hard to deal with it. In fact, it’s not. You should chat with your parents and listen to them so that you can understand why they are so strict with you.

  Teenage communication problems mean you don’t have many close friends. You should share your happiness and sadness with all you friends, and cherish friendship. Then you will have a lot of close friends.

  There are always problems in our lives. However, we also have good ways to deal with them.

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